G3P .obj scene viewer

Application (Does not work on Safari/macs with Apple Silicon)

Load Local Models

Load Sample Models

Please use a browser that supports the "canvas" tag.

Light Position

Debug Information
Data Value
Camera Animation Degree 0
Camera Animation Variance 0

Keyboard Shortcuts
Operation Primary Secondary
Toggle Shadows S s
Toggle Point Light D d
Toggle Between Gouraud Shading and Phong Shading Q q
Toggle X-Ray X x
Toggle Animation A a
Change Animation Speed from 1x to 10x numbers 1-0
Super Reset R r


  • .obj Viewer: This site allows viewing of any .obj 3D models that use labels v, vn, usemtl, and f along with its corresponding .mtl material that use labels Kd and Ks. All other labels are ignored, which means this viewer does not handle ambient color, weighted specular color, transparency, optical density, textures, etc.
  • Load Sample Models: The server serves some 3D models, big and small, for the user to choose from. Each button corresponds to a 3D model (a pair of .obj and .mtl files) stored on the server, clicking the button downloads the files with an XMLHttpRequest and the webpage will render it once it finishes downloading from the server. Each sample model comes with a set of customized viewing settings to better showcase the object. The sample models are mostly from free3d.com and links for each model is in the html file.
  • Load Local Models: The user can load a local 3D model (a pair of .obj and .mtl files) and the webpage will render it as much as supported tags go.
  • Responsive: This site is again, responsive to window size / device width, especially the viewing canvas window.
  • CSS Template: This site used a template from RapidWeaver
  • Code Reuse: This site used code from one of my previous open source projects, the structural JavaScript working flow remains similar while the contents are changed.
  • Animation: Animate the 3rd person camera to rotate around the object and move up and down for variance
  • Change Animation Speed: Change the animation's speed from 0.1°/s to 1°/s in the control section
  • Shadows: Objects casts shadows to the ground
  • Change Light Position: Change where the light is and see how the lighting and shadows change
  • Lighting Mode Change: Toggle between Gouraud shading and Phong shading
  • X-ray: Invert rendered material colors and the background
  • Light Colors: Change the Ambient Light Color, Diffuse Light Color and Specular Light Color in the control section
  • FOV: Change the y-axis field of view from 1 to 150 in the control section
  • Distance: Change the camera's distance from -25 to 25 in the control section
  • Perspective Far: Change the perspective view's far limitation from 0 to 100 in the control section
  • "Super Reset": Pressing the R key resets the Lighting Mode, Ambient Light Color, Diffuse Light Color, Specular Light Color, Animation, Animation Speed, Animation Degree, Animation Variance, Point Light, X-ray, field of view, camera distance and perspective far.
  • Note: the loading of .mtl files does not get affected by what was stored in the mtllib section of the .obj file, for example, if car.obj's mtllib changes to car2.mtl, the program will still proceed to try load car.mtl given by the user. If an .mtl does not exist or a material is not found in the .mtl library, the default grey material will be used.
  • Note: Larger files are removed from this project's online samples. Glitch and GitHub are both not able to handle big files easily, and the load time of the 80MB Bugatti already exceeded 16 seconds.